Should I Join A Bass Club?

Yesterday (Saturday, December 6, 2014) the Potato Creek Bassmasters fished their last tournament of the year at Jackson. Today the Spalding County Sportsman Club and the Flint River Bass Club are fishing a two club tournament at Jackson to end the year in both those clubs. The point standing winners for the year in all three clubs will be decided at this tournament.

I love bass club fishing. In 1974 I joined the Sportsman Club and four years later joined the Flint River club. I have missed very few club tournaments in the 40 years since I first joined a club. It is strange, I never was competitive in anything. I never played sports, don’t like games much and just don’t compete.

But after fishing my first bass tournament in April 1974 I was hooked. There is something that attracts me to competing in a sport that is supposed to be reflective and calming. I like that I am not really competing with others, I am competing with the fish. It really does not matter how others do, it depends on how I do.

All three clubs will start new years with January, 2015 tournaments That would be a good time to join a club and see how you like it. Dues range from $60 a year which affiliates you with BASS to $75 to be in the FLW federation. If you join the BASS federation you also have to pay dues to BASS. The FLW dues include annual membership in it.

Consider joining a bass club next year.