Gun Control Buzzards Never Change

Written back in 2000 this shows gun control fanatics never change.

I lived on a chicken farm while growing up. We had 11,000 laying hens, so I got an early education about gathering eggs, washing and grading them and other jobs that went with having that many chickens.

One of the jobs I hated most was hauling off the dead chickens. Several died each day, and for years we carried them to the corner of a field several hundred yards from the house and dumped them under a big pine tree. Putting up to ten dead chickens in a feed sack and dragging it that far was no fun.

I did learn a lot about buzzards from that chore. They would light in the big pine every morning just after sunrise and wait on a free lunch. They went somewhere else to roost at night, and I can still see the group of them leaving late in the afternoon, circling as they rose higher and higher, then heading out to their night time roost. The next morning they would reverse the process, flying in high and then circling as they dropped down to land in the tree.

That area stunk, and for years I thought it was the smell of dead chickens. I only killed one buzzard in my life, one I happened upon in the woods while hunting. It was at the base of a tree and obviously sick, so I shot it. Looking at it close up, I found out buzzards are very ugly – and they stink! I guess it is the carrion they associate with.

Those buzzards in the pine tree were very lazy. All they had to do was sit in the tree all day, waiting on us to bring them chickens. They did not have to hunt for food, it was delivered. And they were safe since we left them alone.

Each time a gun is misused and a child is killed, Clinton and his cronies remind me of those buzzards. They seem to sit there waiting until there is a tragedy and then gleefully proclaim the need for gun control that tragedy shows.

The last incident of a six year old shooting another six year old at school is used by Clinton to call for safety locks, waiting periods at gun shows and other assorted laws on the gun banners wish list.

I do not understand how anyone could say those laws would have had any effect. The kid that did the shooting lived in a crack house where drugs were used and sold openly. He lived with a 19 year old uncle and was so well taken care of he slept on the floor anyplace he could find room.. His father is in jail and his mother admitted on TV that it was her fault she never saw him or took any time with him.

The gun he used was stolen, as was another gun in the house. I guess Clinton and his flock believe a crack dealer would steal a gun and leave a child safety lock on it. What they really believe is all guns are bad and should be banned. If not, they would enforce the laws already on the books!

There are a wide variety of numbers used to promote gun control. Clinton saying 12 children die each day from gunfire is not the same kind of lie as looking into a camera and telling a bald face lie to the American people, and it is not the same as lying under oath in court as he did, but it is not truthful.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 10 of those 12 “children” Clinton perches over were 15 to 19 years old. I do not consider a 19 year old drug dealing gang member that is shot while trying to sell drugs a child! And I do not think any law passed will have any effect on those kinds of deaths.

According to the National Safety Council, there were 4100 accidental drownings in 1998, compared to 900 accidental firearm deaths. Where is Clinton on this issue? There were 41,200 deaths related to motor vehicles. Does Clinton not care about the thousands of children dying from those causes?

My car has a bumper sticker that says “My President is Charlton Heston.” Maybe after the next election I will not be ashamed of the president of the United States.

By the way – why didn’t Gore mention gun control laws when he was fund-raising in Georgia along side a democratic Governor who opposes almost all kinds of gun control laws? In my opinion, it is all politics!