Global Warming As A Diversion

I am always amazed at the lengths the Obama administration will go to in order to divert attention from the problems with the economy, Obamacare, their stance on gun control and other things that make them look bad to most voters. Right now is not a good time to be focusing on “global warming” with the weather we have had.

Oh, I forget, it is “global climate change” since there is no evidence of actual global warming.

Last weekend, Secretary of State John Kerry said global climate change was the biggest weapon of mass destruction we have to worry about. I think nuclear weapons, poison gas and contagious disease weapons are a little bigger threat.

President Obama went to California last week to propose a one billion dollar fund, from money you and I pay in taxes, to fight global climate change because of the drought there. There have always been droughts there. But farmers had no problem watering their crops until the EPA put restrictions on taking water from rivers for irrigation. Why the restrictions? Some kind of small fish living in the rivers is on the endangered species list.

That is typical of our government. Look for or create a problem then try to solve it by spending tax money you and I pay, and in the meantime try to create votes for your party.

Global warming was changed to global climate change since the evidence for warming is very iffy. And by calling it climate change you can claim any weather event is caused by it. Its kind of pathetic that any weather event, like the recent ice storm and the snow storms this winter, are blamed on it. The Atlanta papers ran some pictures of past ice storms in Atlanta. The first they had pictures from was in the late 1800s.

Remember “Snowjam” from the 1970s? There have been dozens of storms like we had a couple of weeks ago, most before climate change became a buzzword to raise money and spend tax money, and many were when Times magazine was running a cover story in the 1970s about the coming Ice Age. I guess that is climate change, too, but different from now, just the opposite of what is being claimed.

After Hurricane Katrina several years ago the global climate change alarmists were proclaiming more and bigger hurricanes every year. We have not had a major hurricane since then.

Anyone spending a lifetime outdoors sees weather extremes. Some winters are very cold, some pretty warm. Some summers are miserably hot while others are nice. Weather changes.

Animals and humans adapt to weather changes. The claims of species die off due to a one tenth of a degree change in climate is ridiculous since all animals and fish survive changes of temperature of several degrees every day. And fears of sea level rise are strange. Anyone hear the Great Lakes are almost completely frozen over this year and the polar ice cap is larger than it has been in a long time?

While in Alaska a few years ago I visited Glacier National Park. We sailed up a bay and the guide showed us where the glacier used to end. It has retreated over 100 miles – starting almost 200 years ago. And the biggest recorded retreat, over 10 miles between 1860 and 1870, must have been the pollution from all those Civil War SUVs!

We can all remember extremes in weather. In the early 1980s I went without power for five days due to an ice storm. And school was closed the whole time. Now we have an ice storm lasting a couple of days and it is global climate change.

Bass respond to the unusually cold weather by settling in deep water and not eating much, as do all fish and most cold blooded animals. Yet they will eat, and they move shallow to feed after a nice warm week like we had this past week. Fishing can be tough for a few days but it does not last.

In fact, bass and other fish and animals respond to the length of daylight more than temperature to go into their reproductive cycles. Bass bed earlier than we realize most years, with big bass on the bed around here in late March every year rather than the late April time frame most people think of. A cold front will slow them down a day or two but nature takes its course, to make sure there are little bass to keep the species going.

Anytime someone says the debate is over and the question is settled is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. That statement means they are running out of facts and don’t want to debate the issue any more. When you hear it, especially from a government official, be very wary!

I agree with Ronald Reagan when he said the nine scariest words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”