You Might Be A Liberal If

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy. There are a lot of other words you could substitute for “liberal,” hypocrite quickly comes to mind but there are many other less flattering ones

If you consider yourself a conservative do you have any to add? Any liberal want to add some going the other way?

You might be a liberal if:

You think it is great that Two muslim truck drivers who refused to haul alcohol are awarded $240,000 in religious discrimination suit – But you also think it is great that two bakers are fined for refusing to bake a cake because of their religion.

You denigrate Fox News for leaning right – But take as gospel anything you hear on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC

You hate the Koch brothers for using their wealth to support causes they believe in – But love George Soros for using his wealth to support causes he believes in

You whine about Big Petroleum – But use oil products daily

You want hunting banned – But love your steaks since they come from a grocery store in nice Styrofoam and plastic wrap packages

You want guns banned because it may save one life – But you support abortion under any circumstance

You claim to support the 1st Amendment – But shout down speakers that don’t agree with your prejudices

You are pro choice – But not if in owning guns, keeping the money you earn, choosing your healthcare, smoking, eating and drinking what you want or doing anything else you don’t like

You fight against Charter schools and vouchers – But send your kids to private school

You rant against the “one percent” – But you are one of them

You want guns banned – But have armed guards everywhere you go

You want to Share the Wealth – But don’t donate any of your own money to charities

You want the rich to pay more taxes – But take every deduction you can

You want gun stores and manufacturers to be liable for any gun used illegally – But not a word about any other industry being held to the same standard

You think corporate leaders make too much money – But have no comment about TV stars, sports stars, music stars

You insist man is causing “climate change” – But you ignore anything or anyone disagreeing with you and call them names, and even say they should be locked up

You claim to be for equality – But you vote for someone based on race or gender

You want the US to be more like socialists countries – But you ignore the experience of other countries that have implemented it

You blame Big Pharma for the high cost of drugs in the US – but see no problem with FDA regulations that cost the companies $800,000,000 and 10 to 15 years to get a new drug approved

You want any gun thought of passed because it may save one life – But demand we do nothing about illegal aliens although if none were in the US dozens of people would still be alive since some illegal aliens kill people