Why Do We Go Fishing
- By The Fishing Wire
By Bob Jensen
Sometimes I ask myself, and I’m sure other people who enjoy fishing ask themselves, “Why do we go fishing”? I’ve found in recent years that my reasons for going fishing have changed. In conversations with other anglers, I’ve learned that their reasons for going fishing have changed also.
When I first started fishing many years ago, I went for one reason: To catch fish! I enjoyed being outdoors and didn’t enjoy being around people that much, so I would park my truck, put on my waders, and walk up and down area rivers by myself. I usually caught some fish. Mostly smallmouth bass and northern pike, but every now and then a walleye would bite my bait. And when a carp would try to eat my jig with his tail, that’s when things got really exciting!
Somewhere in the passage of time, my priorities while fishing changed a bit. Maybe more than a bit. I still like to catch fish. The more and the bigger the better. But I’ve discovered other elements of fishing that are taking on a larger role in my enjoyment of fishing.
It was in my late teenage years that I learned that sharing the fishing experience was enjoyable. I started inviting a family member or a friend to accompany me on those walks along the river. I also learned that it was as much fun to watch my partner catch a fish as it was for me to catch a fish.
As I got older and started fishing from a boat, I realized that not only was it more fun to fish with a partner or two, it was also easier. Two people putting a boat in the water and parking the truck was easier and faster than one person doing so.
It also sunk in that when a couple people were fishing, we could try different baits. One angler would use a faster moving bait, the other a slower moving bait. Or one angler would use a bait of one color, the other used a bait of another color. We could figure out faster what type of presentation the fish were most likely to respond to when we had more lines in the water. We caught more fish.
I learned that every now and then, I truly enjoy setting my fishin’ pole down and just watch the wildlife or water fowl. On a fishing trip a couple of years ago, for the first time, I saw a family of otters on a small rock island. I had never seen this many otters(6) this close. It really added to the day on the water. I’ve watched otters, beavers, deer, loons, and a variety of other critters since then and, every time, it’s enhanced the fishing experience.
Some anglers say they go fishing to catch a meal of fish. They say that it helps stretch their food budget. Going fishing probably isn’t the most economical way to obtain a meal of fresh fish, but it is definitely the most fun way to do so.
So, back to the original question: Why do we go fishing? I don’t know! It’s not one big thing that encourages me to go fishing, it’s a bunch of big things. But the biggest thing is that fishing is something that I enjoy and helps me get away for a while from the things that I and many others need or want to get away from. For me, that’s enough of a reason to go fishing.
Photo Caption—This above all: Never forget that fishing is supposed to be fun.