One definition of insanity is to keep doing what you have been doing and expect different results. The recent shootings in California and Colorado show that the gun control fanatics have only one mantra, and they don’t care how insane it is. Based on that definition, gun control insanity it common.
Within minutes of the news of the shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Obama was calling for “common sense” gun control laws to be passed nationwide. Those laws he wants include extended background checks, bans on so-called assault weapons, and bans on high capacity magazines. All those laws are now in effect in California and have been for a couple of years.
How insane is it to demand passing laws nationwide that had absolutely no effect on the terroristic actions of fanatics? President Obama wasn’t the only one demanding insane actions. Many talking heads on the news and celebrities with armed guards also were demanding them. Hillary Clinton was on the insane bandwagon, too.
Some folks were honest enough to admit what they wanted was the confiscation of all guns in the US. Odd how these folks think it is a good idea that the government somehow take away 300 million guns from law-abiding citizens while claiming it is impossible for the same government to identify, arrest and deport 11 million criminal illegal aliens.
I guess they only want to punish the law-abiding gun owner, not criminals in the US illegally.
When you push an agenda so hard you abandon all logic you often look foolish, as did President Obama when he said last week in Paris, soon after over 100 people were killed in a mass shooting there, that mass shootings happen only in the US, not in other countries. Even some of the liberal media had to look at that comment as silly.
It seems more and more rational citizens realize how insane the calls for more gun control really are. When our president and others say we should not blame a large group, like Muslims, for the action of a few extremists, but are perfectly happy to punish all law abiding gun owners for the actions of a few extremists criminals, it just makes him and the others look out of touch with reality.
The gun control Brady Bunch immediately sent out fun raising emails. And they got one of their gun control puppets in the US Senate to introduce a bill to make it a federal law that all gun sales have to go through a background check, their holy grail that has never worked anywhere. They bragged they got 10,000 gun control fanatics to contact the senators on this failed bill.
The Brady Bunch has somewhere around 30,000 members. Yet the NRA, with over 5,000,000 members like me, are called an arm of the gun industry. How stupid do they think the American people are?