Category Archives: Conservation

Who Is Trying To Ban Your Fishing?

Angler Rights Activism

  • By The Fishing Wire

Those who would nix your right to fish in an instant are active and organized – recreational anglers need to be equally vigilant.

Forestville, WI – Nearly half of Australia’s fishable waters are now off limits. Some European countries ban catch and release, claiming it hurts the fish. Think it can’t happen here. Think again…

The good news is that American angler interests are backed by the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), the nation’s largest trade association for the recreational sportfishing industry. The bad news is that they can’t completely protect your rights alone…and that’s where you come in.

Recently, ASA VP of Government Affairs Mike Leonard spoke at the annual NPAA conference in Fort Myers, Florida on the topic of advocacy, what ASA is doing on your behalf, and what you can do as an individual to protect your fishing interests.

Leonard’s engaging presentation highlighted three key themes:

  • DO NOT take fishing for granted.
  • DO NOT sit on the sidelines.
  • Stop with the infighting.

He went on to talk about knowing the issues in your area, joining fishing organizations that work to protect sportfishing like the NPAA and the ASA, and keeping up with the issues that could affect your ability to access the vast amount of aquatic resources available in this country at

If you care about the future of recreational fishing, you’re not too busy to watch Leonard’s presentation

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SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA (Feb. 6, 2024) –Anglers who succeed in earning a Georgia Bass Slam already have earned an accomplishment and some fun rewards, but it’s even more exciting when you win the Grand Prize for the 2023 Bass Slam! Out of the 57 anglers that got a Georgia Bass Slam in 2023, the Grand Prize winner was Jason McRae of Duluth, GA, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD). Congrats to Jason!

“If anyone has earned a grand prize for this program, it is certainly Jason McRae,” said Scott Robinson, Chief of the WRD Fisheries Management Section. “Not only is he the only angler to have gotten a Bass Slam all 7 years that it has been offered, but he also caught all 10 bass species every year. That is an amazing accomplishment, and we are proud to offer these prizes to him.”

The Bass Slam Grand Prize Winner receives a cooler, camp chair, tackle box and a beautifully framed bass print. Are you working on your 2024 Slam?

Georgia Bass Slam: Catch (at least) five of the different black bass species found in Georgia within a calendar year and you have a Georgia Bass Slam! This program recognizes anglers with the knowledge and skill to catch different species of bass in a variety of habitats across the state, while also stimulating interest in the conservation and management of black bass and their habitats. For complete rules and more info, visit

Other Fishing Recognition Programs:

  • Angler Award Program: This program recognizes those who catch fish that meet or exceed a specific weight or length for that species. There is an adult, youth, public fishing area and trophy bass angler award program category. For complete rules and more info, visit
  • State Records: In addition to the angler award program, the division also maintains a freshwater fish state-record program for anglers who land a catch that exceeds the existing record catch weight by one ounce or more.  More information at
  • Trout Slam: Catch all 3 species of trout available in Georgia waters and earn a Trout Slam! More info at
  • Kids First Fish Certificate: The division wants to recognize children across the state for catching their first fish with an online kid’s “first fish award” certificate available at

Georgia Wildlife Resources thanks anglers that took part in these programs and appreciates all anglers that head out to state waters throughout the year to wet a line. For more information about fishing in Georgia, visit

Is Culling Sharks The Answer To Lost Tarpon Catches

Research Finds Culling Sharks Not The Answer To Lost Tarpon Catches

By The Fishing Wire

First-of-its-kind study led by UMass Amherst suggests tarpon time on angler’s line determines likelihood of catch being eaten by hammerheads

Amherst, MA – In wave-making research recently published in Marine and Coastal Fisheries, a team of researchers, led by biologists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, has quantified the rate at which great hammerhead sharks are eating Atlantic tarpon hooked by anglers at Bahia Honda, Florida—one of the prime tarpon fishing spots in the Florida Keys.  

Called the “depredation rate,” the team found that 15.3% of tarpon that were hooked by anglers and fought for more than five minutes were eaten while still on the line. But the researchers also show that this is not necessarily a sign that the ecosystem is out of balance. To the contrary, increased reports of depredation are to be expected, especially as great hammerhead sharks, listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), are seeing their population stabilize in the southeastern United States; the result of decades of conservation and management efforts. At the same time, angling is an increasingly popular sport. Which means that there is a greater chance for human-fish-shark encounters. To help manage the health of both the tarpon fishery and the hammerhead population, the researchers urge solutions that don’t impact either species. 

Tarpon are one of the most iconic saltwater fish in the Southeastern and Gulf states. Many an angler spends their life dreaming of hooking a tarpon that could easily exceed 100 pounds, which are known to fight fiercely, often leaping entirely clear of the water in their efforts to shake a hook. The tarpon fishery, which extends from Texas to the Carolinas in the U.S., is, by some estimates, a multi-million-dollar-per-year industry, and the fish is tied deeply to local culture. 

Yet, despite the legendary toughness of the species, the tarpon is listed as “vulnerable” by the IUCN, and their populations seem to have been affected by fishing, degraded water quality and habitat loss. Recently, guides have been increasingly reporting that sharks are taking a bigger bite out of the tarpon catch in recent years, and may, in fact, pose a risk to the species’ survival. But, until now, there’s been no hard data on just what the depredation rate might be, which makes it difficult to make informed conservation decisions, for either the tarpon or the hammerheads. 

To arrive at the depredation rate, and then to track both the tarpons’ and sharks’ yearly movements through a specific area, you need a few things: high-tech acoustic telemetry equipment, stout fishing gear and a comfy lawn chair. 

Acoustic telemetry has recently revolutionized scientists’ ability to track migratory marine species. The technique involves anchoring an acoustic receiver in the water and implanting a small transmitter into whatever it is you want to track. In this case, lead author Grace Casselberry, a postdoctoral researcher at UMass Amherst, and her colleagues deployed 16 receivers in a gridded array in the Bahia Honda Channel. They then caught and tagged 51 tarpon and 14 hammerhead sharks. Over the course of more than two years, every time one of the tagged tarpon or hammerheads swam within range of the receiver, the receiver would log that individual animal’s unique ID, date and time. 

Then came the lawn chair. “I sat in that chair for two months,” says Casselberry, “watching all day long through binoculars and a camera with a long lens as people fished. Every time someone hooked tarpon, I recorded the time of day, the current, whether the tide was going in or out, which boats were fishing, how many anglers were in the area, how long it took them to bring the tarpon to their boat and whether or not a hammerhead ate the fish. I saw a total of 394 tarpon hooked.” 

With all that data, the researchers revealed that the longer the angler fought their tarpon, the more likely it was to be eaten, and that when the fight lasted for more than five minutes, there was a 15.3% chance that the tarpon would be snatched by a hammerhead. These depredations most often occur on an outgoing current, which was also supported by the acoustic telemetry data that showed the hammerheads occupied a smaller area within the channel corresponding to where most tarpon are hooked and fought. The team also found that tarpon tend to congregate in Bahia Honda during the spring, pre-spawning seasons—and the hammerheads know it. So do the anglers. 

“Bahia Honda has most likely been a place where sharks and tarpon have congregated for a very long time,” says Andy Danylchuk, senior author and professor of fish conservation at UMass Amherst. “If there was less depredation in recent memory, that is likely due to the fact that the population of great hammerheads was dangerously low.” But fishing pressure has also increased in recent decades. “There are more sharks in the water and also more hooks in the water,” Danylchuk continues, “which is the perfect recipe for more shark-fish-human encounters.”  In fact, depredation is a growing issue in the United States, as evidenced by the recent SHARKED Act put before Congress to help find solutions. 

Unfortunately, the more anglers and guides see their long-sought fish snatched by sharks, the more likely they are to advocate for culling the sharks.  

“It has taken 30 years to get the hammerheads to the point where they are just starting to recover,” says Casselberry, “and all that work could be undone if we start killing sharks indiscriminately.”  

“There’s some evidence that the hammerheads are pregnant females,” adds Danylchuk, “and if they are culled, it could decimate their numbers.” 

None of this means that anglers need to stop fishing for tarpon in Bahia Honda, but it does mean that conservation efforts, of both tarpon and hammerheads, should be informed by solutions that don’t impact the tarpon, the hammerheads, or the anglers. Casselberry and her colleagues suggest that anglers use fishing gear that will allow them to land tarpon faster, thus reducing fight times and the opportunity for depredation. They should also avoid fishing during the outgoing tide, which is when most depredation events occur. Anglers who use fish-finders should monitor for sharks and consider relocating when hammerheads are in the area.  

“We are advocating for anglers to think of themselves as part of the ocean ecosystem, rather than working against it,” says Casselberry. 

How the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission ‘Fishdozer’ May Aid In Invasive Carp Management

‘Fishdozer’ May Aid In Invasive Carp Management

  • from The Fishing Wire

Clarendon, AR — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Lower Mississippi River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office in Tupelo, Mississippi, recently tested a new method of fish sampling on the White River that may help monitor the fight against invasive carp. The electrified dozer trawl method streamlines two previously used sampling techniques to collect information on the populations of silver and bighead carp, two invasive species the AGFC is working to reduce in Arkansas waters.

Previously, biologists would slowly motor through an area and use electricity to stun fish while simultaneously dipping them from the water using long-handled dip nets. 

“Dip netting those giant carp can be extremely difficult for the person on the front of the boat,” Matt Horton, Aquatic Nuisance Species Coordinator for the AGFC, said. “You also have some variability between how good different ‘dippers’ are that can make it difficult to get consistent numbers between sampling events.” 

The ‘fishdozer’ takes that variability out of the equation. Instead of people using dip nets, a device called a push trawl is lowered into the water. The trawl looks like a blade of a bulldozer that’s been hollowed out and outfitted with a length of netting as a catch bag that flows underneath the hull of the boat. As fish are stunned by the electric field, the boat cruises over them, securing them in the net like a whale swallowing krill. 

According to Jimmy Barnett, Invasive Carp Biologist for the AGFC, the dozer testing was conducted in three different scenarios along the White River to determine its effectiveness in varying aquatic habitats. Researchers are testing the experimental gear throughout the Mississippi River Basin to modify the design and technique to optimize carp capture and identify where it is most effective.

Standardized sampling methods are necessary to estimate fish abundance. Horton says the AGFC and its partners may be able to more accurately measure the effectiveness of carp removal efforts in some bodies of water using the dozer trawl.


The sampling technique doesn’t have immediate use as a fish removal strategy, but Barnett mentions that with some modifications, the tool may have some applications to help control these invasive fish. 

“We performed both active netting with gill nets and the electrified dozer trawl in Cook’s Lake, which lets us compare the two,” Barnett said. “Gill nets produced 200 adult silver carp versus 78 collected with the dozer trawl, but we did see that the trawl collected mostly fish in the juvenile size ranges up to about 8 pounds. We use gill nets that have large webbing to reduce the amount of nontarget fish we catch, so catching carp smaller than 10 to 12 pounds is pretty rare with our current netting protocol. 

“I wouldn’t say this gear is as efficient as other methods for removing carp, but it may provide managers with another tool for monitoring the distribution and abundance of carp and evaluate the effectiveness of control efforts.” 

Visit for more information on aquatic nuisance species like invasive carp. 

Buy a Quality St Croix Rod, Help A Wounded Warrior

American-Made Rods to Support Real American Heroes
 Beginning Veteran’s Day, Saturday, November 11, the St. Croix family asks for your help in raising a total of $80,000 to support our veterans through the healing work of Take a Vet Fishing and Wounded Warriors in Action. A quantity of 1,000 Limited-Edition St. Croix Premier rods – the number-one-selling American-made fishing rod series – will be offered for sale at

These 7’ medium-light and medium power, fast action spinning rods wear the Take a Vet Fishing and Wounded Warriors in Action logos and will sell for $200. These high-performance multi-species fishing rods are a perfect fit to any angler’s arsenal and are sure to be a treasured gift for any Veteran in your life. Most importantly, your purchase of one or more of these special rods will help St. Croix complete its mission of donating $40,000 each to Wounded Warriors in Action and Take a Vet Fishing.

About Wounded Warriors in Action
Honor. Connect. Heal. Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation (WWIA) is a national 501(c)(3) public charity that devotes all its energy and resources to supporting the men and women wounded in combat who received the Purple Heart medal. WWIA supports these phenomenal Heroes by providing them with the opportunity to participate in world-class outdoor sporting activities at no cost to them. We do this to recognize and honor their sacrifice, encourage independence and connections with communities, and promote healing and wellness through camaraderie and a shared passion for the outdoors.

About Take a Vet Fishing
Take a Vet Fishing (TAVF) and its partner organization Operation Healing Heroes Foundation (OHHF) exist for the sole purpose of improving the lives and health of our nation’s heroes. Since 2015, the two not-for-profit 501(c)(3)organizations have combined to treat over 3,500 U.S. Veterans from all eras of service to high-quality outdoors experiences intended to promote psychological healing; taken over 500 children of fallen soldiers fishing; and documented the heroic stories of over 50 Veterans on their Operation: Healing Heroes television show on Discovery Channel and other regional and national networks. Additionally, Take a Vet Fishing and Operation Healing Heroes have arranged and paid for personalized PTSD treatments for over 225 individual Veterans since 2019.
About St. Croix Rod
Headquartered in Park Falls, Wisconsin, St. Croix has been proudly crafting the “Best Rods on Earth” for 75 years. Combining state-of-the-art manufacturing processes with skilled craftsmanship, St. Croix is the only major producer to still build rods entirely from design through manufacturing. The company remains family-owned and operates duplicate manufacturing facilities in Park Falls and Fresnillo, Mexico. With popular trademarked series such as Legend®, Legend Xtreme®, Avid®, Premier®, Imperial®, Triumph® and Mojo, St. Croix is revered by all types of anglers from around the world.

Fight to Stop the Banning of Lead Fishing Products – Protect The Use Of Traditional Tackle

Protect The Use Of Traditional Tackle – Stop the Lead Ban

  • from The Fishing Wire

Efforts are underway to prevent the use of lead tackle for fishing despite scant evidence that using lead has a harmful impact on wildlife populations.

Please use the resources below to learn more about this important issue and how to engage your company and consumers to protect our industry.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced plans to prohibit the use of lead tackle in several national wildlife refuges. Banning lead tackle will deter fishing participation and, given the lack of scientific basis for the ban, sets the stage for future unwarranted restrictions. We need people to reach out to USFWS to support the use of traditional tackle by August 22.

While we are hoping to work in consultation with USFWS, recent legislation was also introduced in Congress to address this issue. The Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act, was introduced in both chambers of Congress. If passed, this new bill would prohibit federal land management agencies from banning the use of traditional lead tackle and ammunition on public lands unless such action is supported by the best available science and has state wildlife and fish agency approval.

What’s the issue

The recreational fishing community fully supports conservation, and we have a long record of making changes and sacrifices that help the environment. However, conservation must be rooted in sound science. The USFWS provides no evidence that lead fishing tackle is harming any specific wildlife populations in the proposed areas. This proposal is a proverbial “camel’s nose under the tent” that could escalate to much broader and equally baseless restrictions on your ability to fish.

Why it matters

Anglers and hunters are America’s original conservationists. The nation depends on their continued ability to fish and hunt to maintain public lands.

Anglers around the country depend on the performance and affordability of lead, especially in sinkers and jigs. While alternatives exist, they come with tradeoffs in cost and/or performance. Protecting traditional tackle from unwarranted bans is critical for ensuring that anglers can enjoy the sport. Banning lead will also potentially impact fishing license sales and ultimately reduce funding available for conservation. It is important that our industry makes a compelling case to the USFWS that anglers should be able to continue the use of traditional tackle.

What ASA is doing

In addition to the hard work of the ASA Government Affairs team, ASA has been engaging KAF supporters nationwide urging them to submit comments to the USFWS during the open comment period which closes on August 22. We have also asked supporters to write letters to their Members of Congress in support of the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act. In addition, we are actively promoting the issue widely through podcasts and social media.

On June 22, 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) made an announcement to proceed with prohibitions on lead fishing tackle throughout several national wildlife refuges in which hunting and fishing opportunities are being expanded. ASA issued a statement in response the USFWS announcement.

On August 22, 2023, ASA submitted a letter on the 2023-2024 Station-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations for the National Wildlife Refuge System, expressing our concerns with the proposed bans on lead fishing tackle in seven refuges.

What you can do

Write your Members of Congress

Write your Members of Congress urging them to support the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act. Click here to see sample letters and text


Share on Social Media

Post about this issue on your social media platforms and direct your followers to our Keep America Fishing action alert.

Send an Invitation to Policymakers

Invite your policymakers to your facility to help them understand the importance of our industry and your contribution to the industry. Please reach out to Mike Leonard at [email protected] for help.



SOCIAL CIRCLE, Ga. (May 30, 2023) – If offered a chance to go boating or fishing, most people will instantly say “yes!” Let the celebration of National Fishing and Boating Week (June 3-11, 2023), which includes two FREE Fishing Days, give you a reason to extend that invite, says the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD). 

“Boating and fishing are both great activities, and offer tremendous bonus benefits for everyone who participates,” said Scott Robinson, Chief of the WRD Fisheries Management Section. “When you are out on the water, boating and fishing helps you make stronger connections with family and friends; it provides an opportunity for stress relief; and it means you are actively supporting conservation efforts with the purchase of fishing equipment and boating fuel.”

National Fishing and Boating Week began in 1979 and was created to recognize the tradition of fishing, to broaden the spirit of togetherness and to share the values and knowledge of today’s anglers with tomorrow’s anglers. 

How to Celebrate: FREE FISHING DAYS: This is a GREAT time to introduce family members or friends to the sport of angling, Georgia offers two FREE fishing days – Sat., June 3 and Sat., June 10, 2023 – during this special week.  On these days, Georgia residents do not need a fishing license, trout license or Lands Pass (WMAs/PFAs) to fish.

Where to Celebrate: There are so many great places to fish in Georgia, from trout streams in North Georgia, to large reservoirs, to lazy rivers in the south part of the state. You can always start at one of the 11 Public Fishing Areas ([] or at one of many Georgia State Parks ( that offer fishing opportunities for family and friends. There also will be multiple Kids Fishing Events during the week-long celebration (

Can’t Get Outdoors? You can still celebrate indoors. Let the kids go to the Angler Academy. At this website, developed by, you will find links to “fishy” crafts, games, informative videos and puzzles. Check it out at

“In the spirit of National Fishing and Boating Week, be sure to make it a mission to take someone new when you go, such as a child, a relative or a friend. You could be the person that inspires another person’s life-long love of the water,” says Robinson.  

For more information on National Fishing and Boating Week and all it has to offer, including free fishing days, nearest kids fishing event or places to fish, visit . 


NSSF, USFWS, AND TAURUS RELEASE LATEST VIDEO IN THE “PARTNER WITH A PAYER” FILM SERIES: Highlighting Manufacturers and Their Support of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 24, 2023) – NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, highlights a partnership with Taurus Holdings, Inc., in support of the “Partner with a Payer®” initiative by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). In the video, titled “Building Our Partnerships,” the world-class manufacturing facilities at Taurus are showcased, which have been vital to assisting the state of Georgia and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in their economic development of creating and maintaining resources for the public to utilize for outdoor activities.

Companies including firearm and ammunition manufacturers and importers contribute to the USFWS initiative by paying excise taxes into the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (known as the Pittman-Robertson Act). More than $16.1 billion (over $25 billion when adjusted for inflation) have been contributed and distributed to individual states to allocate funds toward wildlife conservation, hunter-education programs and target shooting programs.

“This is a win-win situation for everyone involved, but especially outdoorsmen and women who are passionate about these activities and creating additional opportunities that future generations can utilize too,” said Tom Decker, Brand Manager, USFWS. “It enables manufacturers to also be active participants in managing wildlife areas and improving resources and facilities such as target shooting ranges. In return, the available facilities encourage the local community and industry partners alike to increase their regular participation and recruit others to use them as well.”

Employees from Taurus, Georgia DNR, NSSF and USFWS came together to nourish relationships and gain insight on each partner’s industry challenges. Through these shared experiences, the partners find ways to work together, support one another to overcome challenges, and understand each other’s opportunities for the betterment of wildlife resource management and public hunting opportunities. Understanding how each partner contributes to the American system of conservation funding is essential to the overall success of the initiative.

Taurus Holdings, Inc., whose 205,000-square-foot manufacturing facility is located in Bainbridge, Georgia, produces high-quality firearms with the support of employees who are passionate about the industry. A portion of each of its sales contributes to the excise tax, thus making public target shooting facilities and natural habitat more accessible to outdoorsmen and -women.

“Having more public resources, like this shooting range, made available around the country is very important to our business,” said Bret Vorhees, President and CEO of Taurus Holdings, Inc. “It makes these activities more accessible for current owners and new shooters to hone their skills, learn and practice proper firearm safety, and ultimately help expand the shooting sports and hunting alike. Without our contribution of excise taxes and the state fish and wildlife agencies’ dedication to managing these funding opportunities, initiatives like these wouldn’t be possible.”

These latest videos and others in the series were produced by Shine United LLC / Kingdom Filmworks for NSSF through a Multistate Conservation Grant administered by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


About NSSF: NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers nationwide. For more information,


2022 Grand Prize Winners for the Georgia Bass Slam and Georgia Angler Award Program

SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA – Catching a Bass Slam or landing an Angler Award fish is already an accomplishment and garners some fun rewards, but it’s even more exciting when you win the Grand Prize for the 2022 Bass Slam or Angler Award Program!

Out of the 43 Bass Slammers and 295 Angler Awards caught in 2022, the Grand Prize winners are Andrew Wood (Bass Slam) and Daniel Woodcock (Angler Award), according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division. Congrats to Both!

Grand Prize Winners receive a cooler, camp chairs, tackle box and some other prizes. Now, let’s start working on those 2023 catches.


Georgia Bass Slam: Catch (at least) five of the different black bass species found in Georgia within a calendar year and you have a Georgia Bass Slam! This program recognizes anglers with the knowledge and skill to catch different species of bass in a variety of habitats across the state, while also stimulating interest in the conservation and management of black bass and their habitats. For complete rules and more info, visit

Angler Award Program: This program recognizes those who catch fish that meet or exceed a specific weight or length for that species. There is an adult, youth, public fishing area and trophy bass angler award program category. For complete rules and more info, visit

Other Fishing Recognition Programs:

  • State Records: In addition to the angler award program, the division also maintains a freshwater fish state-record program for anglers who land a catch that exceeds the existing record catch weight by one ounce or more.  More information at
  • Kids First Fish Certificate: The division wants to recognize children across the state for catching their first fish with an online kid’s “first fish award” certificate available at

Georgia Wildlife Resources thanks anglers that took part in these programs and appreciates all anglers that head out to state waters throughout the year to wet a line. For more information about fishing in Georgia, visit

Georgia Department of Natural Resources Operation Viper leads to numerous charges for venomous snake trafficking.

Multi-State Wildlife investigation “Operation Viper” leads to numerous charges for venomous snake trafficking.

SOCIAL CIRCLE – On January 12, 2023, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division (DNR LED) and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) filed charges against eight individuals, for the illegal trafficking of venomous and prohibited exotic snakes.

The DNR LED has been receiving intelligence reports and complaints indicating that a black market existed for the sale and purchase of illegal and highly dangerous venomous reptiles in Georgia. In 2021, Georgia DNR LED and FWC initiated a long-term investigation with undercover investigators to determine the extent of this illegal activity.

The illegal sale, purchase and transporting of these regulated animals pose a significant public safety threat and threatens the long-term well-being of state wildlife populations. If these illegal and dangerous nonnative species were to escape, there is a possibility they could live and breed in the wild.

Over the course of the multi state investigation, nearly 200 snakes, consisting of 24 species from seven different regions of the globe, were purchased from or sold to wildlife traffickers by undercover investigators. Some of those species include the inland taipan, bushmaster, rhinoceros viper, African bush viper, Gaboon viper, green mamba, eyelash viper, multiple species of spitting cobra, forest cobra, puff adder and saw-scaled vipers. Several of these snakes are listed in the top 10 deadliest in the world and no anti-venom for the treatment of snake bites for several of the species is available in Georgia.

This lengthy investigation developed suspects both in and out of Georgia and Florida. Investigators realized early into the investigation that the black market for venomous reptiles was robust, and subjects identified in the operation were dealing reptiles frequently and in high numbers, often to or from unpermitted individuals.

Violations charged during this operation do not take into account that many of these snakes were probably sourced illegally from their home country of origin. A well- established tactic for black market dealers is to launder illegally procured snakes through a properly permitted facility, so they may be sold without divulging their true origin.

Timothy James Gould, age 38, of Central City, PA was taken into custody in Georgia on numerous felony and misdemeanor arrest warrants. The other seven suspects were arrested in Florida.

Gould is a well-established wildlife transporter and is unpermitted in the state of Georgia and Florida for any captive wildlife, let alone venomous reptiles. He advertises his illegal transport services on a popular online marketplace for wildlife dealers. When arrested, Gould had 27 exotic venomous snakes in his possession illegally.

Wildlife trafficking ranks fourth behind, drugs, weapons, and humans in global activity, and is often a nexus for other illegal activity. There are many different estimates of the value of illicit wildlife trafficking worldwide. According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, illicit wildlife trafficking is estimated to be between $7.8 billion and $10 billion per year.

For photos of the snake species, click here: Snakes